What i love

  • my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ
  • to snuggle in the safety of hubby's arms
  • my kids' laughter
  • chocolate (well it's true)
  • daisies
  • candles of any kind
  • warm bubble baths

Monday, January 02, 2006

welll what are your 2006 goals???

I have a dream... and a few goals too....
a dream to be more financially stable in 2006. to take control and not just let things happen and wonder how come we are always so broke....

a dream to finally FLY like the flylady says... i got off to a great start in 2005 but i wanna step it up a notch this year and really go for it!

a goal to spend more meaningful moments with my family, playing with the kids, reading stories, and just taking time to stop and enjoy their childhood.

a dream to be healthier... to stop eating so much high fat high carb junk food, and eat more fruits and veggies... and to try *gulp* to exercise at least one time per week (hey i am being realistic)

a goal that i would finally get in gear and really scrapbook when i say i want to, but never actually sit down and do it... i am going to get current on my photos this year if it kills me!!!

a dream to be more aware of the needs that surround me... my friends, family, and church home.... to be more sensitive to God's plan for using my gifts and talents to be something wonderful for His glory!

but that's just me...how bout you?!

1 comment:

Julie said...

nice goals. I need to write mine down. I didn't notice you putting "stay out of trouble with the law"...are you still planning to be "felony melanie"? He, he!