What i love

  • my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ
  • to snuggle in the safety of hubby's arms
  • my kids' laughter
  • chocolate (well it's true)
  • daisies
  • candles of any kind
  • warm bubble baths

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I'm a fly on the wall....

Well i finally did it! I joined up with Flylady.net to help me get my house in order. The clutter and disorganization is just too much for me to take anymore! So, a friend of mine Rhonda, introduced me to her friend the Flylady. She gives you all these fun and easy little tasks to keep your house all in order which for an organizational type person such as myself (not from looking at my home could you tell that, but i am) it is a great solution to regain control. So I spent the last few days taking baby steps into her routine, and now am on day 5 and am doing quite well... I feel better already, even tho I have not incorporated any of her "ZONE" cleaning yet, I am supposed to declutter for a whole month, and then begin with her other deeper stuff. I am motivated and refreshed and ready to get started!!! Her motto is "you can do just about anything in 15 minutes" and bases her cleaning around this premise... We will see!

Check it out for yourself, you will be amazed at the difference you will feel in just a couple of days!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Are you still keeping up that laundry? =)